How It Works (FAQ)

Dating Event Process

When you arrive, check in with the host who will show you to your seat. You will be given a “scorecard” where you can fill in each person’s name that you meet, along with whether you liked them or not.

Ladies remain seated as the fellas rotate. You get 5 minutes with each guest. The host will tell you when it’s time to move on to the next guest.

There will be a brief 10 minute break halfway through the event.
At the end of the event, make sure to give your scorecard to the host. Your results with any matches will be emailed to you within 24 hours after the event has concluded.

Scorecard results will contain the names and contact details of the persons who are the match (you were interested in them and they were interested in you). Once you know who is interested in getting to know you, please make the arrangements to continue the communication.


Q: How many people will be attending the event?

A: We aim to have no less than 5 ladies and 5 gentlemen per event. Sometimes the ratio will vary but we aim to keep it as close to even as possible. Occasionally, there will be uneven numbers. We will cap each event at 20 participants so we make sure each guest has an opportunity to meet everyone there.

Q: I’m too young or too old for this event!

A: We have many different events with different age ranges. If the next one or two events are not in your age range, keep checking the website as it will be updated regularly with any new events we may have coming up.

Q: Why are there tickets by generation and what generation ticket should I buy?

A: We have grouped the tickets by generation for simplicity. You can use the year you were born as a reference point for which ticket you should purchase for the appropriate age range. If you are couple years above or below the specific generation, you can still purchase that ticket to widen your dating options. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us!

Q: Why is so important to buy a Ticket in advance?

A: For organization purposes and for quality of the event. It shows the interest and commitment on participant’s side, which enables us to prepare the event, offer better matches, and provide pleasant and positive experience for the everyone.

Q: Are refunds issued?

A: If you miss the event after having purchased a ticket, there will be no refunds issued.

Q: What if I’m late to the event?

A: Please do not be late, give yourself enough time to get to the venue on time. If you arrive late, we cannot guarantee that we will have space for you.

Q: Do I have to purchase a drink or food?

A: The venue will be a restaurant, so you are more than welcome to purchase a drink or some food.

Q: Are events LGBT+ friendly?

A: We are currently working on developing events for the LGBT+ community, keep checking the website for updates!

Visitors: 119

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